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  1. Thank you for sharing your expertise through your blog post. It was evident that you’ve spent considerable time researching the topic, and the depth of knowledge you demonstrated was impressive.

  2. Does having a D value of less than 1, impact the F0 value when temperature and Time is added to above online calculator?

  3. Shivajikumar says:

    I learned a lot from your blog, sir. I had a doubt about finding the Fh value of DHS. I had taken avg. Sterile Hold Temperature for 30 minutes (sterile hold time) but I am getting 55.146 instead of 46.4 printed value in DHS print.

    1. Thanks for appreciating, Shivajikumar! This page is about the F0 value. Your query seems about the Fh value for which I’d suggest using this link instead:

      Now coming to your query, I think you missed out on mentioning temperature for 30 min. sterile hold time. Reply that on the Fh value page (linked above) so that I can figure out what’s bothering you.

  4. Hi, the contents are useful, but I still don’t understand how to determine if my Fo is enough to say that my sterilization is done?

    1. Hi Petrova, that is so dynamic to say. Two quick questions for your SIP cycle:
      1. Is it time-based? OR
      2. F0-based?

      For 1st one, you can only estimate and try to ideate the F0 value. Obviously in comparison with the Ideal condition we’ve discussed above.

      For the 2nd case, you’ll use the F0 value as a recipe parameter input (e.g. 30 mins.) based on which your SIP will terminate. I would suggest you read this article for a more material.

  5. Subhashree Das says:

    Found it extremely helpful

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